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Canada is on a constant look up for investors and entrepreneurs who can who can create employment and contribute to the Canadian economy growth.

Investors who meet the requirements of investor visa programs can come along with their family to Canada, and may apply for permanent residency and eventually Canada Citizenship.

Federal Investor Program

This program has been permanently closed. There are currently no plans to resume this program, but the Federal Investment Immigrant Program permits eligible immigrant investors to acquire Permanent Resident Status in Canada by making a guaranteed, five-year investment of $800,000 CAD of their own funds via an authorized agent.

Immigrant Investor Venture Capital Program

Business owner or managers with a legally acquired net worth of $10 million or more must invest $2 million in the Immigrant Investor Venture Capital (IIVC) Fund for a period of 15 years with no guarantee of a return, so as to secure an investor visa and permanent residency if desired. This program requires eligible immigrants to live outside Quebec.

Quebec Investor Program

Immigrant investors who are looking to start business or invest in the province of Quebec have to follow the province's immigration requirements. The province is seeking applicants with a minimum personal net worth of $2 million and managerial experience in legal farming, commercial, industrial, or professional industries. The program requires eligible investors to make a five year, guaranteed investment of $1.2 million.

Provincial Nominee Programs For Investors

If your interested in living in a particular province, this program would suite you to being your journey of being a Canadian investor. Certain provinces offer the opportunity to immigrate to Canada with an investor visa by applying under their own investor stream of the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP). Each province will establish their own set of rules and eligibility requirements based on its own economy, opportunities and market gaps.

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